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Dental Implants Are the Go-to Solution for Missing Teeth!

Editorials / Dental Implants Are the Go-to Solution for Missing Teeth!

Dental Implants Are the Go-to Solution for Missing Teeth!

Having missing teeth not only makes smiling uncomfortable, but you also have trouble eating and talking. Another concern with missing teeth is that you are at higher risk for gum disease, bone loss, and extractions. Most people believe that bridges and dentures are the only options for replacing missing teeth, but dental implants are often the best choice.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a special appliance that is used to replace a missing tooth, and you can have more than one implant. The appliance is comprised of an anchor in the jawbone, attachment above the gum line, and a crown that looks like a natural tooth. The anchor is held in place by new bone that grows around it over time. The attachment can also be used for a bridge or dentures. While implants have many advantages, the primary one is that the crown, bridge, or denture stays in place. ADHP works with many people like you who want to replace teeth with an appliance that looks and feels natural and works much like the original tooth, and we offer free dental consultations to help you understand how implants work to replace your missing teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

The benefits of dental implants are extensive, and here are the top reasons why people choose implants at ADHP.

Prevent Oral Health Issues

Replacing a tooth with a bridge or dentures may increase your risk for developing oral health issues. Bacteria hides in the space between the bottom of these appliances and the gum line. Over time, the bacteria penetrate the gums and reaches the bone. When this happens, you start to lose bone tissue and may develop an infection. This process can affect the empty socket and the surrounding teeth, increasing the chances that you will need an extraction and have another missing tooth to replace. A dental implant fits snugly against the gums, and you only need to maintain routine cleanings to keep your gums and teeth healthy. You can brush and floss your implant the same as you do your natural teeth.

Protect Neighboring Teeth

Having a missing tooth increases the chances of your other teeth moving out of position. This can even happen if you have a bridge or dentures because the socket is still empty. With a dental implant, the socket of the missing tooth is filled, much as when you have the root of a tooth in the position. This stabilizes the nearby teeth so they will not move over time. A dental implant not only protects your smile, but also your bite so you can properly chew your food. Shifting in tooth position can also worsen TMJ issues and make dental procedures more extensive in the future.

Lifetime Solution

The components that are used for your implant are quite durable. On average, a dental bridge may last up to 10 years before it has to be replaced. Dentures may need to be replaced if you break the materials or if your gums change to where the dentures no longer fit. Implants will last over your entire lifetime. The titanium of the anchor works with your body, so there is no risk of your body rejecting the material.

Feel and Look Natural

Your natural teeth are anchored to the jawbone with the roots. With a dental implant, the same concept is used to replace missing teeth. Instead of being anchored with a root, the replacement tooth is affixed with a titanium rod that is placed in the jawbone. Your body gradually develops new bone tissue around the anchor to hold it in place. This allows you to put full force on your replacement tooth while chewing without worrying about damaging or loosening the tooth. The tooth will not slip either, so you can speak and eat naturally.

Facial Structure

Your teeth contribute to the shape of your face by giving the skin and soft tissues an underlying support. When you lose teeth, the area may sag downward or inward. Bridges and dentures do not replace this support for your face, but implants do. Maintaining facial structure is a key cosmetic benefit of dental implants that many people overlook, but it is an important part of feeling good about your appearance. Areas of the face that typically change with missing teeth are between the end of your nose and chin. Over time, the lips thin, wrinkles develop, and the chin narrows.

ADHP Specializes in Implants for Missing Teeth

Once you decide to get a dental implant, you want to entrust your care to our dentists. ADHP specializes in dental implant procedures for men and women in Southern California. Our experience with implants ensures that the procedure is properly performed, and you are thrilled with the results.

Why Implants are Better Than Bridges

If you are considering a bridge to replace your missing teeth, you need to understand the limitations of these appliances.

  • Bridges cost more than implants over your lifetime
  • Installing a bridge requires permanent changes to neighboring teeth that involves removing some of the enamel
  • Bridges last five to 10 years
  • Keeping the gum line clean around a bridge is challenging
  • Gaps between the crown and gum line provides bacteria with a place to hide
  • Crowns often come loose and require replacement
  • Procedures for bridges are intensive compared to implants because the surrounding teeth have to be prepared and fitted with crowns
  • Bridges increase the risk of cavities and other issues that may require root canals

Why Implants are Better Than Dentures

Here are just a few reasons why implants are better than dentures:

  • Dental adhesive is needed to keep dentures in place, and these products don’t always work as intended
  • Cleaning dentures requires removing them, brushing, and overnight soaking
  • Dentures cover the top part of your mouth, giving food particles and bacteria an ideal place to hide
  • Bad breath is a common problem with people who wear dentures
  • Dentures can be lost, broken, and damaged because the appliance must be removed
  • Slipping of dentures often happens when eating and talking
  • Dentures can be ill-fitting and cause raw areas and sores inside the mouth
  • Dentures require you to avoid certain foods that may cause the appliance to slip, break, and shift
  • Loss of chewing power is a common problem with dentures, so you can usually only have soft foods
  • Dentures are known to make a clicking sound when chewing
  • Risk of bone loss is higher with dentures compared to implants

Most People are Good Candidates for Implants

Bone loss was once a barrier to implants for replacing missing, damaged, or decayed teeth, but ADHP has solutions for men and women who may have some bone loss. We also perform dental implant procedures on people who have specific medical issues and conditions that once prevented the viability of implants. We use the most advanced implant techniques and materials, and this opens implants as an option for most people. If you are interested in implants, schedule a free dental consultation at one of our six offices in Southern California to find out how we can help with your missing teeth.

Your Implant Consultation at ADHP

If you are still unsure if implants are the best option for restoring your smile, schedule a free dental consultation at ADHP. We examine your teeth, gums, and bone to determine the best approach for your implants. Some of the benefits of a consultation at one of six offices in Southern California are:

  • Thorough oral examination
  • Personal consultation with one of our implant experts
  • Description of your treatment options with implants
  • Understand how implants can help restore your smile
  • Have questions and concerns addressed by an implant specialist
  • Learn about advances in implant technologies
  • Receive a detailed treatment plan in writing
  • Schedule appointments at your convenience
  • Understand the oral health benefits of implants and restoring your smile

Why Choose ADHP for Your Implants

You can find many places to get your implants, but the procedure is only one of many in the dental practices. As a result, the dentists have limited experience and expertise, and they do not remain abreast of advances in materials, techniques, and technologies. At ADHP, we only perform implant procedures for missing teeth, so we have a greater depth of knowledge, and we use our experience to produce amazing results for every patient. You feel confident in your choice to get implants and implant specialist. You deserve the best smile possible, and we are the practice to help you achieve that goal.

Last Modified 11 December 2023
Dr. Cohen - Dental Implant Specialist
Editorial by
Dr. Cohen, D.D.S
Renowned for placing over 2000 successful dental implants, Dr. John Cohen, a 1992 University of the Pacific School of Dentistry graduate, co-leads ADHP.
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